When I visited Faust in south Germany, I was drawn to the rolls of coloured lino sheets. The material’s shine, especially when rolled up and reflecting one colour to another, was beautiful, and it was obvious to take advantage of this state of the material. Then, it naturally led me to make a bin out of it. We often see plastic and metal bins around, but not many alternatives and it could be a good opportunity to question the unquestioned. Knowing how the bin has to be constructed, I added a little notch joint detail, which helps the material align as it is compressed during the glueing stage. It is a nice progression from our first alt table collection.
Tidy Bin, Faust, 2024
When I visited Faust in south Germany, I was drawn to the rolls of coloured lino sheets. The material’s shine, especially when rolled up and reflecting one colour to another, was beautiful, and it was obvious to take advantage of this state of the material. Then, it naturally led me to make a bin out of it. We often see plastic and metal bins around, but not many alternatives and it could be a good opportunity to question the unquestioned. Knowing how the bin has to be constructed, I added a little notch joint detail, which helps the material align as it is compressed during the glueing stage. It is a nice progression from our first alt table collection.
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It was a natural progression to our first collbaotation : ALT table collection. We enjoy experiementing and finding a new approach to the use of this beautiful material and its property.